Real-time facial recognition: Growing concerns about biometric surveillance
Lawyers and opposition politicians are demanding clarification about the use of a secret camera system in Saxony and Berlin and the BKA test with real data. zum vollständigen Artikel > (mehr …)
Facial recognition: BKA used millions of police photos for test
The Federal Criminal Police Office used millions of photos from a police information system for software tests, reports Bayrischer Rundfunk. zum vollständigen Artikel > (mehr …)
GDPR: CDU wants to delete data minimization requirement
„Data protection must not become the protection of perpetrators,“ writes the CDU in its basic program. It is also optimistic about technology. zum vollständigen Artikel > (mehr …)
Data protection conference sets GDPR guidelines for AI applications
German data protection experts want to monitor AI applications and publish guidelines on GDPR-compliant use. zum vollständigen Artikel > (mehr …)